Weekend of champions, Bruges

02-10-1970 > 04-10-1970

Group I 1 2 3 4 Tot
1 Van Seters, Frits NED ½ 1 1
2 Bossuyt, Jacques BEL ½ ½ 1 2
3 Wostyn, Hendrik BEL 0 ½ ½ 1
4 De Wulf, Leon BEL 0 0 ½ ½
Group II 1 2 3 4 Tot
1 Buysschaert, Roger BEL 1 ½ 1
2 Cardinael, Walter BEL 0 1 ½
3 Himpens, Jules BEL ½ 0 1
4 Coelus, Gaspar BEL 0 ½ 0 ½
Balfoort BEL 1 Balfoort 0 Pollet, Gervijn 1
Roose, Erik BEL 0
Pollet, Gervijn BEL 1 Pollet, Gervijn 1
Deweerdt, Willy BEL 0
Zwaenepoel, Roland BEL 1 Zwaenepoel, Roland 1 Zwaenepoel, Roland 0
Moerman BEL 0
Van Belleghem BEL 0 Coelus, Wilfried 0
Coelus, Wilfried BEL 1

This tournament was apparently organised by the Bruges chess club to give some of its players a welcome chance to meet some of the country’s top players. As [1] was published by the same club, it is not surprising it gives the crosstables and a couple of game. Van Seters victory was rather unsurprising. Buysschaert was rarely in the country at this time, but managed to score a nice victory in his group. Bossuyt’s victory against De Wulf won him the yearly brilliancy prize of the organising club.

A picture of the players in the main group, taken from [2].

  • Quite a few games.


  1. Doorbraak Nos.3 & 7
  2. Brugsch Handelsblad 10/10/1970
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