North Brabant vs. South Brabant, Antwerp


1 Koltanowski, George 0-1 Mulder, Emile
2 Shernetsky, Issy 1-0 Rassers, P.
3 De Mey, Emile 0-1 Verkalk, Ed.
4 Baert, Arthur ½-½ de Ryke
5 Noordijk 1-0 Dobbelmann
6 Perquin, Walter 1-0 Stumpers
7 Jacobs, George Jacob 1-0 de Pre
8 Denhaene, Edgar 0-1 Vries
9 Bendereff 0-1 Smet
10 Zomerplaag 0-1 Lehr
11 De Smet ½-½ Klok
12 Weytens ½-½ Beker
13 Peeters, Francis 1-0 Koopmans
14 Berghmann 0-1 Spijksma
15 Stoffels, Marianna ½-½ de Haan
16 De Meulenaere 0-1 Van de Ven
17 Pittoors, Victor ½-½ Hassels
18 Roeske 0-1 Spijksma
19 Samain 0-1 van de Avort, Cees
20 Janssens, Jos 0-1 Perquin, C.
21 Beer ½-½ Rabbimononkel
22 Laforce ½-½ Schellekens, A.
23 Van Weert, E. 1-0 Jansen
24 Van Lansweerd, B. 1-0 Bijlemans, A.
25 Janssens, René 1-0 Virkel
26 D’Hondt 0-1 Vriens
27 Jepps 1-0 Broeders
28 Koltanowski, Harry 1-0 Nugen
29 Govers 1-0 Gronsveld, A.
30 Stroobants 0-1 Huyskens, A.
31 Koltanowski, J. ½-½ van Heusden
32 Lodewyckx 1-0 de Boer
33 Corbet 1-0 Hoekstra
34 Van Damme ½-½ Porto Carrero
35 Van Overloop ½-½ van Eyck
36 Van Dam, A. 1-0 Selber
37 Gerits 0-1 van den Elshout
38 Antheunissen ½-½ van Nyen
39 Mommens 1-0 Vekemans
40 Noirot 1-0 Huyghen
41 Rycken, H. 1-0 Hondelé, E.
42 Matthyssens 1-0 Fisk
43 Weisbroth 1-0 Albarda
44 Van Gelder 1-0 Bors
45 Valcke 0-1 Grinsven
46 Baert 1-0 Koch
47 De Krem 1-0 Valcken
Tot South Brabant 27½-19½ North Brabant

The match table and most information comes from [1]. This was the fifth time this match was organised and the fourth time the South Brabant team won. The games were played in hall Artes. There was a brilliancy price which was won by Lodewyckx for his game against de Boer. [2] gives one more game and a correction to [1] for another game.


  • Almost all games.
  • Most first names.


  1. Het Schaakleven 1933/3
  2. Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant 07, 11 & 18/03/1933
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