National interclubs


Honours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MP BP
1 K Antwerp SK 4 3 13 25½
2 SK Anderlecht 2 3 4 4 11 24½
3 K Ostend SK 3 4 9 21½
4 Colle Academy 3 7 24
5 SK Eupen ’47 2 3 5 20½
6 K Ghent SRL 3 5 18
7 Mechelen SK ½ 4 17½
8 Jean Jaurès 3 2 2 3 2 16½

Division 2A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MP BP
1 SK Groeninge 3 3 4 12 26
2 Jean Jaurès A 6 5 5 10 28
3 Jean Jaurès B ½ 0 4 3 9 20
4 SK Mariakerke 3 ½ 2 3 3 7 19½
5 K Ghent SRL 1 5 3 4 5 20½
6 SC Colle 2 4 1 4 3 5 18
7 SK De Palm 3 3 3 3 2 4 19
8 Bruges SK 2 1 3 2 3 4 17

Division 2B: 1. CRÉ Brussels 10 (23) 2. CÉ Thibaut 6 (20) 3. SK Eisden 6 (19) 4. SK Anderlecht 6 (16) 5. CÉ Charleroi 6 (16) 6. CÉ Verviers 5 (15½) 7. Échiquier Liègeois 4 (16)

This edition of the national interclubs was dominated by the Antwerp side, despite missing their star player Boey and relatively disappointing performances of Dunkelblum and Borodin. Jan Rooze and Robert Lemaire became top scorers. The Colle Academy missed a good result by playing with an incomplete and quite weak team against Eupen in the final round. The reappearance of Paul Devos after some fifteen years was a pleasant surprise. Jean Jaurès from Ghent was somewhat surprisingly delegated. Here are the round-by-round results. The individual results are as below. They don’t include wins or losses by forfeit.

IM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL 4 7
Rooze, Jan BEL 6 7
Mollekens, Jozef BEL 4 7
NM Borodin, Vladimir RUS 7
Coosemans, Billy BEL 5 6
Baert, Arthur BEL 1 2
Magé BEL 2 5
Van Herck, Paul BEL 0 1
1 K Antwerp SK 25½ 42


NM Limbos, Paul BEL 3 5
Tonoli, José BEL 7
Clément, Paul BEL 3 5
Skalerić, Ljubiša YUG 2 2
Meunier BEL 3 3
Van Dam, Serge BEL 1 7
Luyten, Armand BEL 2 5
Renard, Jean BEL 0 1
Dupont BEL 2
Dony BEL 5
2 SK Anderlecht 24½ 42


NM Beyen, Roland BEL 7
Vandezande, Albert BEL 6
Wostyn, Hendrik BEL 6
Pepers, Gustave BEL 5
Vandamme, Frans BEL 6
De Wispelaere BEL 1 5
Verleye, Willy BEL 1 4
Gesquière, Willy BEL 1 3
3 K Ostend SK 21½ 42


GM O’Kelly de Galway, Albéric BEL 1 1
NM Lemaire, Robert BEL 6 7
NM Devos, Paul BEL 2 4
Riddell, John ENG ½ 1
Rose, Richard BEL 0 1
Jerochov, Alexis RUS 5
Ebrahimi, Touradj PRS 4 6
Van Belle, Robert BEL 2 4
Basha BEL 0 1
Grosemans, Paul BEL 5 7
Reuter BEL 1 1
Gielen BEL 0 1
4 Colle Academy 23 39


NM Soultanbeieff, Victor Ivanovich RUS 1 4
Schumacher, Helmut BEL 3 6
Freise, Friedhelm GER 4
Lieutenant, Georges BEL 2 6
Becker, Dieter BEL 7
Kirch, Herbert BEL 5
Schumacher, E. BEL ½ 2
Wertz BEL ½ 4
Leroy, Willy BEL 0 1
5 SK Eupen ’47 18½ 39


Mauquoy, Paul BEL 7
De Wolf, Guy BEL 7
Van Hoorde, Edouard BEL 3 4
Decleir, Walter BEL 7
Paepens BEL 7
Broucke, Fernand BEL 1 1
Verlinden, Richard BEL ½ 1
Van Leeuwen, Étienne BEL 0 1
Plum, Pierre BEL 7
6 K Ghent SRL 18 42


NM Cornelis, Frans BEL 4 7
Van Humbeeck, Willy BEL 1 3
Denckens, Leon BEL 4 7
Geysens BEL 6
Huyck, Walter BEL 3 7
Claessens, Herman BEL 6
Van Esbroeck BEL ½ 3
Van Vaek, Constant BEL 0 1
Nicolas BEL 0 1
Roofthoofd, Marcel BEL ½ 1
7 Mechelen SK 18 42


De Bruycker, Bernard BEL 1 3
Bonne, Marck BEL 2 7
Willems, André BEL 2 7
Goethals, Fernand BEL 7
Mulkers, Willy BEL 2 6
Thys, Hubert BEL 2 4
Van Loocke, Raoul BEL 0 1
Criel, Edouard BEL 5
Goetgeluck, Gerald BEL 2
8 Jean Jaurès 16½ 42


  • Almost all games.
  • The exact dates for the games.
  • Many first names.


  1. De Volksgazet 03,17/10, 02,14/11, 05,12,26/12/1967, 30/01,09/07/1968
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