National interclub championship

04-02-1973 > 27-05-1973

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 MP BP
1 Jean Jaurès 16 12 13 13 15 12 18 13 16 25 128
2 Échiquier Bruxellois 8 9 13 15 13 12 14 13 14 22 111
3 K Antwerp SK 12 15 11 10 12 13 15 16 16 21 120
4 Mechelse SK 11 11 13 13 10 15 13 16 13 21 115
5 CRE Brussels 11 9 14 11 14 14 12 8 18 18 111
6 SK Anderlecht I 9 11 12 14 10 10 12 15 16 17 109
7 K Ostend SK 12 12 11 9 10 14 10 13 15 17 106
8 SK Eupen ’47 0 10 9 11 12 12 14 16 12 15 96
9 SK Anderlecht II 11 11 7 8 13 9 11 8 8 11 86
10 CRE Liège 8 10 8 11 0 8 9 12 14 11 80

All the information I have I found in De Volksgazet ([1]) from the first half of 1973. In this tournament, a player would get 3 points for a victory, 2 for a draw and 1 for a loss, while a forfeit would mean a 0. Similarly, if a whole team was forfeited, it received 0 points, while a loss would have yielded 1, a drawn match 2 and a victory 3. I had to reconstruct the result from the match CRE Brussels – SK Anderlecht II from the final standings. It seems like the game between Van Dam and Renard was decided as 1-0 – a result which, by the explanation above, should be impossible. Maybe there was some kind of accident? The individual results, as far as I have them, are as below, but keep in mind that these are very much incomplete. The round-by-round results can be found here.

De Bruycker, Bernard BEL 3 5
Verstraeten, Roeland BEL 6
Bonne, Marck BEL 5 6
Willems, André BEL 6
Goetgeluck, Gerald BEL ½ 1
Coppens, Claude BEL 3 4
Goethals, Fernand BEL ½ 3
Van Herck, Marcel BEL 3 3
1 Jean Jaurès BEL 128 25


NM Thibaut, Georges Pierre BEL 4
Monaville, Guy BEL 7
NM Lemaire, Robert BEL 3 8
Rubinstein, Samy BEL 4 8
Campeert, Julien BEL 7
Lapierre, Georges BEL 4
Deflines BEL 5
Schultz BEL 1 1
Szczesny, Daniel BEL 1 2
Herzfeld, Marcel BEL 1 2
2 Échiquier Bruxellois BEL 111 22


Rooze, Jan BEL 7
Mollekens, Jozef BEL 3 7
Meulders, Richard BEL 4 6
Sayovits, Max ISR 6
Mollekens, Roeland BEL 7
Magé BEL 3 6
Franck, Alfons BEL 1 1
Vanderwegen, Philippe BEL 1 1
3 K Antwerp SK BEL 120 21


NM Cornelis, Frans BEL 5 8
Van Humbeeck, Willy BEL 8
Roofthoofd, Marcel BEL 0 1
Van Herck, Paul BEL 5 8
Huyck, Walter BEL 8
Andries, Gommaar BEL 6 8
Denckens, Leon BEL 5
Schiets, Jan BEL 0 1
Verbruggen BEL ½ 1
4 Mechelse SK BEL 115 21


NM Van Seters, Frits BEL 2 5
NM Willaert, Robert BEL ½ 3
Van den Broeck, Hans BEL 2 2
Renard, Jean BEL 1 3
Fontigny, François BEL 0 2
Demoulin, Paul BEL ½ 1
Vannerom, René BEL 2 3
Roose, Arnaud BEL ½ 1
Clodin BEL 3
Jacobs BEL 0 1
Giraud BEL 0 1
Cayron BEL 0 1
Nackers BEL 0 1
5 CRE Brussels BEL 111 18


NM Limbos, Paul BEL 3 5
Tonoli, José BEL 4 7
Winants, Henri BEL 4 7
Everaert, Eric BEL 6
Godefroit BEL 7
Stradiot BEL 2 7
Dupont BEL 2 2
Dupont BEL 1 1
6 SK Anderlecht I BEL 109 17


NM Beyen, Roland BEL 4 6
Wostyn, Hendrik BEL 6
Vandezande, Albert BEL 4 7
Vandamme, Frans BEL 4 7
Verleye, Willy BEL 6
De Vos BEL 0 1
Pepers, L. BEL 6
Vrancken BEL 0 1
Calus BEL 0 1
Vanslembrouck BEL ½ 1
7 K Ostend SK BEL 106 17


Schumacher, Helmut BEL 5
Freise, Helmut GER 3
Freise, Friedhelm GER 3 4
Yasinski, Eugène BEL 1 3
Becker, Dieter BEL 3 6
Bonta BEL 5
Timmerman BEL 0 1
Kirch, Herbert BEL 3
Wertz BEL 2 4
Schumacher, E. BEL ½ 1
8 SK Eupen ’47 BEL 96 15


Skalerić, Ljubiša YUG 2 3
Clément, Paul BEL 2 5
Van Dam, Serge BEL 1 5
NM Devos, Paul BEL 2
Dony, Albert BEL ½ 2
Pepers, Gustave BEL 1 3
Fürstenberg, Tom BEL ½ 1
Joseph, Fernand BEL ½ 1
Tamine, Jacques BEL 0 1
Meertens BEL 1 3
Geerts BEL 1 3
Van Belle BEL 1 1
Genzer BEL ½ 1
Beatse, Georges BEL ½ 1
Hamill BEL 0 1
Grasser BEL 0 1
9 SK Anderlecht II BEL 86 11


Lieutenant, Georges BEL 4
Defize, Alain BEL 4
Rumfels BEL 0 2
Wéry BEL ½ 4
Coheur, Louis BEL 4
Wirth, Charles BEL 1 2
Douha BEL ½ 2
Gillain BEL 0 1
Keller BEL 0 1
10 CRE Liège BEL 80 11


  • The detailed results for some matches.
  • Most games.
  • Many first names.
  • I’m very unsure about the nationalities. I’ve taken Belgian as default.


  1. De Volksgazet 13/02 – 05/06/1973
  2. Personal correspondence with Mr. Van Herck
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