National interclubs

20-09-1964 > 20-12-1964

Honours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MP BP
1 K Antwerp SK 4 5 14 28½
2 CRÉ Brussels 2 3 4 4 4 11 26
3 K Ostend SK 3 4 9 21½
4 SK Groeninge 3 3 8 21
5 Colle Academy 3 3 4 6 20
6 Mechelen SK 1 2 2 3 3 4 18
7 SK Anderlecht 2 3 3 2 18
8 CÉ Thibaut 2 2 2 15½

This edition was a closer-fought affair than the crosstable suggests, because the match between the CRÉ Brussels and the K Antwerp SK team took place in the last round. The very consistent Antwerp side managed to win the championship, in no small part thanks to Boey, who had an excellent run on board one. There were no fewer than fifteen clubs enrolled in the Promotion section. It was held a but later than the Honours section and was finally won by the club Jean Jaurès from Ghent. With that victory, they earned a spot in next year’s Honours division, in the place of CÉ Thibaut.

Here are the round-by-round results. The individual scores are as below. Do note, however, that the scores from one match are missing. Moreover, some individual results are missing and some others must be wrong. So the results below do not necessarily correspond perfectly to the crosstable above (which I’m relatively confident in).  Check the link above for more information.

NM Boey, Jozef Martin BEL 6 7
Mollekens, Jozef BEL 3 7
IM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL 4 7
Coosemans, Billy BEL 4 5
Van Schoor, Karel BEL 5 7
NM Borodin, Vladimir RUS 7
Magé BEL 1 2
1 K Antwerp SK 28½ 42


NM Willaert, Robert BEL 3 7
NM Van Seters, Frits NED 4 5
Riddell, John ENG    ½ 1
Winants, Henri BEL 6 7
De Rycke, Paul BEL 4 6
Monaville, Guy BEL 5
Barzin, Marcel BEL 7
Higuet BEL 1 1
Kosovic BEL 0 1
Rozenberg BEL 0 2
2 CRÉ Brussels 24½ 42


Vandezande, Albert BEL 3 7
Beyen, Roland BEL 5 7
De Wispelaere BEL 0 1
Gesquière, Willy BEL 3 6
Pepers, Gustave BEL 7
Vanhoorne, Frans BEL 5
Vandamme, Frans BEL 4 6
Hampton BEL 0 2
Deweert BEL ½ 1
3 K Ostend SK 21½ 42


Verstraeten, Roeland BEL 2 6
Laconte BEL 0 1
Missiaen, Roger BEL 6 7
Van As, Lambert BEL 7
Opsommer, Lucien BEL 3 7
Ottevaere, Herman BEL 2 7
Bruylandts BEL 6
4 SK Groeninge 19 41


NM Soultanbeieff, Victor RUS 1 3
NM Lemaire, Robert BEL 3 5
Rose, Richard BEL 2 5
Boudelet, Georges BEL 7
Lynes BEL 2 4
Guillaume BEL 0 1
Reuter BEL 0 1
Grosemans, Paul BEL 5 7
Gielen BEL 1 3
Van Belle, Robert BEL 1 2
Siberski BEL    ½ 1
Stuttner BEL 0 2
5 Colle Academy 18 41


Cornelis, Frans BEL 5
Van Humbeeck, Willy BEL ½ 3
Huyck, Walter BEL 1 5
Denckens, Leon BEL 2 5
Geysens BEL 5
Schiets, Jan BEL 4
Denef BEL 0 1
Van Vaek, Constant BEL 1 1
Van Praet BEL 0 2
Claessens, Herman BEL 2 3
Van den Houdt BEL 0 1
6 Mechelen SK 13 35


NM Limbos, Paul BEL 3 6
Tonoli, José BEL 4 7
Van Dam, Serge BEL 0 1
Dony BEL ½ 5
Clément, Paul BEL 4
Andries, Gommaar BEL 2 6
Renard, Jean BEL 4 6
Luyten, Armand BEL 1 4
Dupont BEL 2 3
7 SK Anderlecht 18 42


NM Thibaut, Georges Pierre BEL 2 5
Plavchitch, Spiro YUG 0 5
Van Osmael, Alex BEL 2 3
Campeert, Julien BEL 2 5
Jerochov, Alexis RUS 4
Simon BEL 2 5
Arnstein BEL 1 4
Lingier BEL ½ 2
8 CÉ Thibaut 12 33


  • Most of the games.
  • Some first names.
  • The individual results of the Mechelse SK vs. CÉ Thibaut match.
  • There are some errors in the individual results.


  1. Volksgazet 29/09/1964 — 23/03/1965
  2. De Standaard 29/08 — 16/02/1965
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