Jean Jaurès vs. Rest of Ghent, Ghent


1 Goethals, Fernand 0-1 Mauquoy, Paul
2 Bonne, Marck 0-1 De Wolf, Guy
3 Criel, Edouard 1-0 De Vries, Paul
4 Mulkers, Willy ½-½ Decleir, Walter
5 Van den Dwey, Jozef ½-½ Martin, Vladimir
6 Rodrigues, Marcel 1-0 Lödör
7 Goetgeluck, Gerald ½-½ Morel
8 Van Loocke, Raou ½-½ Goormachtigh
9 Van Quickelberghe 0-1 Vaerewijck
10 Colders ½-½ Petry
ST Jean Jaurès 4½-5½ Rest of Ghent

Jean Jaurès was at this point the strongest team in Ghent and had recently promoted to the main division of the national interclubs. They played a match on thirty boards against the rest of Ghent, mostly players from the Royal Chess Club of Ghent. On the top ten boards, as above, they lost, bu overall they won by 26-14.


  • All games.
  • The results on the lower boards.
  • Many first names.


  1. De Volksgazet 13 & 20/04/1965