INR match Soultanbeieff vs. Dyner, Brussels
29-09-1935 > 30-09-1935
1 | 2 | Tot | ||
Soultanbeieff, Victor Ivanovich | RUS | ½ | 1 | 1½ |
Dyner, Boruch | POL | ½ | 0 | ½ |
Both players hailed from Eastern Europe — Dyner from Poland and Soultanbeieff from what is now the Ukraine — but had been living in Belgium quite some time. This match was organised by the Institut National de la Radiodiffusion. The games were commentated by Soultanbeieff and broadcasted as propaganda for chess.
Soultanbeieff himself writes in [1] that this match was played in 1933, but this seems to be wrong, judging from [2]. The two games were published in [2].
- Not much.
- V. I. Soultanbeieff, Guide pratique du jeu des combinaisons, Éditions Échec et Mat
- La Nation Belge 04, 25/10 & 08/11/1935