Four nations tournament, Mortsel

16-05-1970 > 17-05-1970

1 2 3 4 BP MP
1 Middle Rhine 5 2 12 19
2 France 3 14 2
3 Belgium 2 7 13½
4 Luxembourg 0 ½ 1 0

This was, as far as I know, the third time this four nations tournament was organised, with previous editions taking place in Dollendorf (Germany) and Troisvièrges (Luxembourg). The tournament was organised by the then 5-year-old club SK Oude God Mortsel, probably partly thanks to member Heynen who was president of the Belgian chess federation at this point.

The tournament took place on the Pentecost weekend in the Mortsel Town Hall. Tempo: 40 moves in 2 hours, then 20 moves per hour. Start on Saturday at 14:00, on Sunday at 15:00 with adjournment after 5 hours of play. This type of tournaments was quite popular in Belgium around this time: the players from the teams were split in different groups and matched against players from the other teams. The results are as below, but I’m missing the name of the players on board 9 of series 1 on the second day. I think this tournament saw Soultanbeieff in action for the national team for the last time.

1 Todorčević, Miodrag FRA 1-0 Cornelis, Frans BEL
2 Mazzoni, Guy FRA 1-0 Philippe, Georges LUX
3 Peters, Paul LUX 0-1 Limbos, Paul BEL
4 Barthel LUX 0-1 Schaffert MTR
5 Verstraeten, Roeland BEL ½-½ Mertz, Dan LUX
6 Schmidt MTR 1-0 Simon LUX
7 Soultanbeieff, Victor Ivanovich BEL ½-½ Levaux, Christian FRA
8 Haas LUX 0-1 Derreumaux, Patrick FRA
9 Weiss, G. MTR ½-½ Van Herck, Paul BEL
10 Smulders, Kurt BEL 0-1 Weiss, E. MTR
J Thiebault FRA ½-½ Kersten MTR
W Hund MTR 0-1 Neymann FRA


1 Stull, Norbert LUX 0-1 IM Hübner, Robert MTR
2 Ellrich, Paul MTR ½-½ IM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL
3 Letzelter, Jean-Claude FRA 0-1 Hund, Gerhard Friedrich MTR
4 Zinser, Sylvain FRA 1-0 Ebrahimi, Touradj BEL
5 Pesch MTR ½-½ Demarré, Jacques FRA
6 Mauquoy, Paul BEL ½-½ Griessman FRA
7 Schmiedel MTR 1-0 Stirn LUX
8 Mollekens, Jozef BEL 1-0 Peters MTR
9 Berges FRA 1-0 Frank LUX
10 Schmitt LUX ½-½ Marciniak, Marcel FRA
J Milbers, Paul LUX 0-1 Roofthoofd, Marcel BEL
W Vanderbeken BEL 1-0 Zeihen LUX


1 IM Hübner, Robert MTR 1-0 Todorčević, Miodrag FRA
2 IM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL ½-½ Mazzoni, Guy FRA
3 Hund, Gerard Friedrich MTR 1-0 Peters, Paul LUX
4 Ebrahimi, Touradj BEL 1-0 Barthel LUX
5 Mertz, Dan LUX 0-1 Pesch MTR
6 Griessman FRA 0-1 Schmidt MTR
7 Stirn LUX ½-½ Mollekens, Jozef BEL
8 Frank LUX 0-1 Weiss, G. MTR
9 MTR 1-0 LUX
10 Marciniak, Marcel FRA 0-1 Hanssen, Paul BEL
J Roofthoofd, Marcel BEL 1-0 Thiebault FRA
W Zeihen LUX 0-1 Hund MTR


1 Cornelis, Frans BEL 1-0 Stull, Norbert LUX
2 Philippe, Georges LUX 0-1 Ellrich, Paul MTR
3 Limbos, Paul BEL ½-½ Letzelter, Jean-Claude FRA
4 Schaffert MTR ½-½ Zinser, Sylvain FRA
5 Demarré, Jacques FRA 1-0 Verstraeten, Roeland BEL
6 Simon LUX 0-1 Mauquoy, Paul BEL
7 Levaux, Christian FRA ½-½ Schmiedel MTR
8 Derreumeaux, Patrick FRA 1-0 Van Mol, Rene BEL
9 Van Herck, Paul BEL ½-½ Berges FRA
10 Weiss, E. MTR 1-0 Schmidt LUX
J Kersten MTR 1-0 Milbers, Paul LUX
W Neymann FRA 1-0 Vanderbeken BEL


  • Almost all games.
  • Many first names.
  • I’m not completely sure I matched the right people to the right teams.


  1. De Volksgazet 12 & 19/05/1970
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