Championship of greater Antwerp, Antwerp


1 2 3 4 5 Tot
1 De Mey, Emile BEL 11 11 ½½ ½1 (1-)
2 Noordijk, Roelof NED 00 01 11 (0-)
3 Tratsaert, Robert BEL 00 10 ½½ ½1 (½-)
4 Zomerplaag, J BEL ½½ ½½ 00 (++)
5 Jacobs, George Jacob BEL ½0 00 ½0 11 (++) 3
Okker, I BEL 0- 1- ½- (1½)

[1] gives almost full results. [2] gives the final standings, quite some results and a few games. One more game comes from [3].


  • Most games.
  • First names for Noordijk, Zomerplaag, and Okker.


  1. Het Handelsblad van Antwerpen 04/12/1933-19/02/1934
  2. Het Schaakleven Vol.2 Nos.2-3
  3. De Schelde 12-02-1933
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