Bredasche SV vs. VSC Antwerp, Breda


1 Pijpers 0-1 Peeters, Francis
2 van Bemmel ½-½ Van Hoek
3 Stuiver 0-1 Perquin, Walter
4 Rassers, Pieter ½-½ Jacobs, George Jacob
5 Schol ½-½ Tensen
6 Binkhorst van Oudcarspel ½-½ Van Gompel
7 Foest 1-0 Stoel
8 Witte 1-0 Roeske
9 van Swinden-Koopmans 1-0 Weytens
10 Ubbens 0-1 Pittoors, Victor
11 Gruys 1-0 Schrijver
12 van der Noorda 0-1 Hendrickx, M
13 Verpaalen ½-½ Denhaene
14 Viskil 1-0 De Clercq
15 Van As 0-1 Henderieckx, L
Tot Bredasche SV 7½-½ VSC Antwerp

This was a friendly match between the chess club of Breda against the Flemish chess club of Antwerp, which took place in Breda on Sunday, May 13th. [1] and [2] both give the complete results, but they give the first two boards in reversed order. I followed [2] in the above table, but not for any good reason. The only game I have comes from [1].


  • All but one of the games.
  • Many first names.


  1. De Schelde 20/05/1928
  2. Dagblad van Noord-Brabant 15/05/1928
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