Belgian interclub championship

29-09-1968 > 12-01-1969

Division 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MP BP
1 K Antwerp SK 3 4 3 4 12 25½
2 Mechelen SK 3 9 23
3 SK Anderlecht 2 4 3 9 22
4 CRÉ Brussels 2 1 4 8 22
5 K Ostend SK 3 1 5 7 20
6 SK Eupen ’47 2 5 5 3 3 6 23
7 Colle Academy 3 2 1 3 4 4 16
8 K Ghent S Ruy Lopez 3 2 1 16½

All information I have comes from De Volksgazet ([1]), except for a singly game from the second division which comes from [2]. The Antwerp team finished far ahead of the rest of the field. Here are the individual results, as far as I have them. The results from CRÉ Brussels-Academy Colle and K Antwerp SK-SK Eupen ’47 are missing, as are those from four of the boards in the match SK Eupen ’47-Academy Colle. A few more names are also missing. The results below are therefore incomplete, I’m also not completely sure about the board order. Finally, I have assumed Belgian as the default nationality, but I suspect this may be wrong for some players.

Rooze, Jan BEL 6
NM Boey, Jozef Martin BEL 6
IM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL ½ 1
Van Schoor, Karel BEL 5 6
Baert, Arthur BEL 2 4
Coosemans, Billy BEL  ½ 2
Mollekens, Jozef BEL 6
Vandiest, Julien BEL 0 1
Meulders, Richard BEL 2 4
1 K Antwerp SK 12 25½ 36


NM Cornelis, Frans BEL 7
Denckens, Leon BEL 7
Hutchings ? 6
Huyck, Walter BEL 3 6
Van Herck, Paul BEL 7
Geyssens BEL 0 1
Claessens, Herman BEL 5
Roofthoofd, Marcel BEL 3
2 Mechelen SK 9 23 42


NM Limbos, Paul BEL 6
Clément, Paul BEL 2 5
Tonoli, José BEL 7
Van den Broeck, Hans BEL 1 1
Van Osmael, Alex BEL 5 7
Dony, Albert BEL 3 5
Van Dam, Serge BEL 0 1
Donné BEL 1 2
Meunier BEL 0 2
Van Hoek BEL 0 1
Dupont BEL ½ 1
Tamine BEL 0 1
Luyten, Armand BEL ½ 1
Andries, Gommaar BEL 1 1
Béatse BEL 0 1
3 SK Anderlecht 9 22 42


NM Willaert, Robert BEL 6
NM Van Seters, Frits BEL 6
Demoulin, Paul BEL 2 6
Monaville, Guy BEL 4
Fontigny, François BEL 6
Barzin, Marcel BEL 2 6
Szczesny, Daniel BEL 1 1
Van Nerom, René BEL 0 1
4 CRÉ Brussels 8 22 36


NM Beyen, Roland BEL 7
Vandezande, Albert BEL 3 5
Wostyn, Hendrik BEL 3 5
De Wispelaere BEL ½ 2
Verleyen BEL 0 1
Pepers, Gustave BEL 6
Vandamme, Frans BEL 3 7
Gesquière, Willy BEL 0 1
Hampton BEL 0 1
Pepers, L. BEL 3
De Wilde BEL 0 1
5 K Ostend SK 7 20 39


NM Soultanbeieff, Victor Ivanovich BEL 2 6
Schumacher, Helmut BEL 5
Freise, Helmut GER 1 2
Freise, Friedhelm GER 3 5
Becker, Dieter BEL 4 5
Kirch, Herbert BEL 3 4
Lieutenant, Georges BEL 3 4
Wertz BEL 0 1
6 SK Eupen ’47 6 23 32


NM Devos, Paul BEL ½ 3
NM Lemaire, Robert BEL 2 5
Ebrahimi, Touradj IRI 3
Riddell, John ENG ½ 5
Boudelet, Georges BEL 2
Van Belle, Robert BEL 2 5
Koutzou BEL 0 1
Geerts BEL 4
7 Colle Academy 4 11½ 28


Mauquoy, Paul BEL 7
Van Hoorde, Edouard BEL 0 2
Paepens, Jan BEL 2 7
Decleir, Walter BEL ½ 4
Broucke, Fernand BEL 7
Verlinden, Richard BEL ½ 1
Van Leeuwen, Etienne BEL 5 6
Martin, Vladimir BEL 0 1
Plum, Pierre BEL 7
8 K Ghent S Ruy Lopez 1 16½ 42


  • Almost all games.
  • Many first names.
  • Some of the individual results.
  • The crosstables for the lower divisions.


  1. De Volksgazet 19/07/1968 — 21/01/1969
  2. Doorbraak No.2
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