Antwerp vs. Riga, Antwerp

13-08-1936 > 14-08-1936

1 Dunkelblum, Arthur 0-1 0-1 Petrovs, Vladimirs
2 Jerochov, Alexis ½-½ 0-1 Apšenieks, Fricis
3 Sapira, Emanuel ½-½ 1-0 Feigins, Movša
4 Perlmutter, Jacob Baruch 1-0 0-1 Krūmiņš, Edgars
5 Franck, Alfons 0-1 ½-½ Hasenfuss, Volfgangs
6 Stoffels, Marianne 0-1 0-1 Endzelīns, Lūcijs
7 Graboï ½-½ ½-½ Mežgailis, Voldemārs
8 Demunck ½-½ 1-0 Kalniņš, Indrikis
9 De Mey, Emile 0-1 0-1 Ozols, Kārlis
10 Geysen 0-1 ½-½ Melngailis, Tenis
Tot Antwerp 3-7 3½-6½ Riga

Officially, this seems to have been a city match, but the Riga team is in fact the Latvian team that was to play in the unofficial Olympiad in Munich. On their journey, they passed through Antwerp and a match was organised on the occasion. The local side saw a convincing but not dishonourable defeat.

The complete results are given in [1], the few games I have I took from [2] and [3]. I’m grateful to Mr. Chris Baker from New Zealand for some corrections.


  • Most games.
  • First names for Graboï, Demunck, and Geysen.


  1. La Nation Belge 21/08/1936
  2. Le Vingtième Siècle 04/09/1936
  3. L’Échiquier 1936/8-9
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