4th FIDÉ open, Forlì

07-09-1991 > 15-09-1991

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tot
1 GM Malaniuk, Vladimir Pavlovich URS 2510 ½5 +16 +9 ½7 +4 +11 ½3 +8 ½2 7
2 Pedersen, Steffen DEN 2295 +7 -4 ½20 +9 ½18 +6 +12 +3 ½1
3 GM Miles, Anthony John ENG 2555 +15 +13 +4 +12 ½5 ½8 ½1 -2 +11
4 IM Godena, Michele ITA 2415 +24 +2 -3 +25 -1 ½17 +23 +7 ½5 6
5 GM Novikov, Igor URS 2550 ½1 +27 +19 ½11 ½3 ½7 +15 ½9 ½4 6
6 Malyutin, Evgeny URS 2435 -28 +31 +15 -17 +16 -2 +13 +19 +12 6
7 GM Faragó, Iván HUN 2515 -2 +24 +13 ½1 +22 ½5 ½8 -4 +19
8 IM Motwani, Paul SCO 2440 ½21 +30 ½25 +10 +17 ½3 ½7 -1 ½9
9 IM Langeweg, Christiaan NED 2410 +36 ½25 -1 -2 +26 +31 +11 ½5 ½8
10 IM Ortega, Lexy CUB 2410 -26 +37 +28 -8 -15 ½16 +35 +27 +18
11 FM Dutreeuw, Marc BEL 2410 ½16 +33 +26 ½5 +12 -1 -9 +15 -3 5
12 IM Belotti, Bruno ITA 2410 +31 +28 +32 -3 -11 +19 -2 +20 -6 5
13 Boe Olsen, Mads DEN 2320 +23 -3 -7 +33 ½21 +32 -6 +25 ½14 5
14 Zadrima, Aldo ITA 2235 ½18 ½22 -17 -15 ½24 +30 +36 +31 ½13 5
15 Winterstein, Wolfgang GER 2300 -3 +34 -6 +14 +10 +18 -5 -11 ½21
16 Drei, Andrea ITA 2250 ½11 -1 ½30 +24 -6 ½10 +29 -18 +35
17 FM Votruba, Pavel CZE 2355 +34 -32 +14 +6 -8 ½4 -19 ½21 ½23
18 IM Shrentzel, Israel ISR 2375 ½14 ½29 ½23 +32 ½2 -15 ½21 +16 -10
19 IM Yılmaz, Turhan TRK 2340 +37 ½26 -5 +29 +23 -12 +17 -6 -7
20 IM Berg, Klaus DEN 2390 ½30 ½21 ½2 -23 +34 ½25 +28 -12 ½22
21 FM Hansen, Carsten DEN 2290 ½8 ½20 ½35 ½27 ½13 ½22 ½18 ½17 ½15
22 Antonsen, Mikkel DEN 2325 ½33 ½14 ½29 +26 -7 ½21 ½25 ½23 ½20
23 Trevisani, Bruno ITA -13 bye ½18 +20 -19 +27 -4 ½22 ½17
24 Mileto, Gabriele ITA 2255 -4 -7 ½33 -16 ½14 bye +37 ½26 +32
25 Yeuillaz, Corrado ITA 2205 +35 ½9 ½8 -4 ½27 ½20 ½22 -13 ½28 4
26 Pieri, Filippo ITA 2240 +10 ½19 -11 -22 -9 +34 ½31 ½24 ½27 4
27 Becker, Marc GER 2310 ½29 -5 +36 ½21 ½25 -23 +32 -10 ½26 4
28 Lagrumina, Giulio ITA +6 -12 -10 ½37 ½29 +35 -20 ½32 ½25 4
29 Lagrotteria, Salvatore ITA ½27 ½18 ½22 -19 ½28 ½36 -16 ½30 bye 4
30 Payen, Arnaud FRA 2235 ½20 -8 ½16 -35 ½33 -14 bye ½29 +36 4
31 Anceschi, Vittorio ITA 2290 -12 -6 ½34 +36 +37 -9 ½26 -14 ½33
32 Pompa, Alessandro ITA bye +17 -12 -18 +35 -13 -27 ½8 -24
33 Falchetta, Giovanni ITA 2235 ½22 -11 ½24 -13 ½30 ½37 -34 bye ½31
34 FM Wagman, Stuart USA 2225 -17 -15 ½31 bye -20 -26 +33 -36 +37
35 FM Vezzosi, Paolo ITA 2330 -25 ½36 ½21 +30 -32 -28 -10 +37 -16 3
36 Mauro, Alan ITA 2240 -9 ½35 -27 -31 bye ½29 -14 +34 -30 3
37 Magalotti, Andrea SMR 2205 -19 -10 bye ½28 -31 ½33 -24 -35 -34 2

[1] has all the games, [2] has the crosstable. [2] also gives the start and end dates of the tournament. I have assumed that one round was played every day, which yields exact dates for all the games. One strange thing is that [1] gives the games Dutreeuw vs. Winterstein as won for white after three moves in a completely standard position. Probably some moves are missing, perhaps there was some accident.


  • What happened in Dutreeuw-Winterstein?


  1. 365chess.com
  2. www.torneilonline.com
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