10th international junior tournament, Schilde

25-07-1974 > 02-08-1974

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tot
1 Machulsky, Anatoly Davidovich URS 2390 +6 +4 ½2 +5 +3 ½9 +12 ½7 ½8 7
2 Goodman, David Simon Charles ENG +9 +14 ½1 ½3 +12 +6 +8 -4 ½7
3 Taruffi, Daniele ITA +8 +13 +19 ½2 -1 +11 +9 -5 +6
4 van der Wees, Aad-Jan NED +17 -1 ½15 +10 ½7 ½5 ½6 +2 ½9
5 Oltra Caurin, Ramón ESP ½15 +16 +14 -1 -9 ½4 ½11 +3 +12
6 Høi, Carsten DEN -1 +17 +11 ½7 +10 -2 ½4 +9 -3 5
7 Diesen, Mark Carl USA 2295 ½16 +20 ½10 ½6 ½4 -12 +15 ½1 ½2 5
8 Bartos HUN -3 -10 ½17 +20 +19 +15 -2 +14 ½1 5
9 Mahmutefendić, Tahir YUG -2 ½12 +13 +15 +5 ½1 -3 -6 ½4
10 Weber, Joseph LUX ½18 +8 ½7 -4 -6 ½14 +16 -13 +20
11 Buchy, Daniel FRA ½19 ½15 -6 +16 +14 -3 ½5 ½12 ½18
12 Baumgärtner, K. GER -14 ½9 +20 +19 -2 +7 -1 ½11 -5 4
13 Groth, Morten NOR ½20 -3 -9 -17 ½16 +18 +19 +10 -14 4
14 Bafort, Jan BEL +12 -2 -5 +18 -11 ½10 -20 -8 +13
15 Weinzettl, Ernst AUT ½5 ½11 ½4 -9 +17 -8 -7 -18 +19
16 Ghysels, Chris BEL ½7 -5 ½18 -11 ½13 +20 -10 +19 -17
17 Tonoli, Walter BEL -4 -6 ½8 +13 -15 -19 ½18 ½20 +16
18 McGregor, Douglas SCO ½10 -19 ½16 -14 ½20 -13 ½17 +15 ½11
19 Corbat, Philippe SUI ½11 +18 -3 -12 -8 +17 -13 -16 -15
20 Proost, Danny BEL ½13 -7 -12 -8 ½18 -16 +14 ½17 -10

All information I have comes from [1]. The games were played in St. Wybrecht boys’ school, Schoolstraat 33. Igor Platonov, who was Machulsky’s second, give a simultaneous exhibition on Sunday, July 20th scoring a veyr good +27, =4 (Van Haelst, A. Decombes, Beniest & Vandiest), -1 (R. Decombes) against quite strong opposition. As expected, his pupil won quite clearly, with Goodman as the only threat. The Belgian players didn’t play an important role this edition.


  • The games between Weber and Ghysels, Oltra Caurin and Buchy, Mahmutefendić and van der Wees, and Oltra Caurin and Baumgärtner.
  • Bartos’ and Baumgärtner’s first names.


  1. De Volksgazet 27-07 until 13-08-1974
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