Thirty-three episode long have I managed to avoid it, eight months have I put it off, but today I finally give in. Today I accept…
CIPC #32: Mystery science theater 3000 S5 E5 The magical voyage of Sinbad
Mystery science theater 30001 might just be my favourite television show ever. As far as I’m aware, it only ever aired in the United States,…
CIPC #30: Friends S6 E20 The one with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
Humour occurs when a surprise is recognised as harmless. This is why a predictable punchline kills a joke. This is why a joke you’ve heard…
CIPC #28: Friends S7 E20 The one with Rachel’s big kiss
I am not very knowledgeable about Friends.1 It’s a hugely popular television show which ran for approximately fifty bazillion seasons, that much I know, and…
CIPC #26: Columbo S2 E7 The most dangerous match
Today’s victim, Columbo, is an American detective series from the seventies. It is one of the more interesting examples of the genre. One of the…
CIPC #24: Midsomer murders S4 E5 The sleeper under the hill
Maybe we should let the nectar of nostalgia linger just a little while longer. Maybe we should revisit another old friend: DCI Barnaby from Midsomer…
CIPC #23: Agatha Christie’s Poirot S6 E4 Dumb witness
Oh! sweet nectar of nostalgia linger longer, just a while, let the taste of distant mem’ries draw a brief and sadden’d smile …with which somewhat…
CIPC #8: GEICO commercial
Chess is just the most exciting thing ever. Just think about it: two men staring at some pieces of wood for five hours on end,…