Here we are again. Like a murderer returning to the scene of the crime, I always seem to circle back to Zorro.1 This time, we…
CIPC #117: House S3 E23, The Jerk
I have remarked before that, as the number of episodes in a given television series tends to infinity, the probability of chess appearing at least…
CIPC #107: The big bang theory, S5 E18: The werewolf transformation
If you’ve been living under a rock for half your life, you are probably an invertebrate. Also, you might not know about The big bang…
CIPC #99: The supersizers eat… the fifties
I have a rare psychological condition were I have an immediate antipathy against almost anything with punctuation in the title.1 Some things – like periods,…
CIPC #96: Masha and the bear S2 E2, Time to ride my pony
Usually, I am somehow familiar with the things I talk about. Most of the movies I talk about I have seen. Most of the comics…
CIPC #94: Toen was geluk heel gewoon S5 E67, Schaken
Toen was geluk heel gewoon (back then, happiness was normal) was a Dutch sitcom that ran for sixteen seasons between 1994 and 2009. It was…
CIPC #90: Zorro S2 E8, The flag of truce
What, oh what, did people do before the internet? Or, generally, before the rise of the computer? Hell, before cheap pocket editions of all the…
CIPC #86: Kunt U mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer? E40, De zoon van Zwankezwaan
Whoever heard of a fantasy television series conceived as a sequel to a Grimm fairytale with a nine word title and 45 minutes episodes which…
CIPC #85: Professor T. S2 E10, Het DNA van een moordenaar
Here we go again. How many times have I spotlighted television series about detective?! The Mentalist, Midsomer Murders, Columbo – I have the impression that…
CIPC #81: Zorro S1 E36, The sergeant regrets
I hope you guys have been dutifully spreading the word about the Zorro-opening, because, today, Zorro rides again! Yes! We’re now a bit further in…