Long, long before Batman there was already a wealthy man living a double life as a masked and caped vigilante, a superman in everything but…
CIPC #72: Maigret S35, Mon ami Maigret
I have a conjecture: every sufficiently well-known fictional detective will sooner or later be confronted with chess. A slightly – but only very slightly –…
CIPC #63: The X-files S5 E20, The end
As far as I can ascertain, the X-files is more or less an adaptation of the Fortean times in which every uncanny or weirdly creepy…
CIPC #55: Gargoyles S2 E9 City of stone
Gargoyles is an animated tv series from the nineties and I have a serious problem with it. The writing is quite interesting. It blends Shakespearean…
CIPC #41: House of Cards, S1 E10
Netflix original is one of those phrases which a mere twenty years ago would have been nonsensical, but which is now as common as the…
CIPC #40: MST3K S4 E11, The magic sword
The faithful readers of this blog might remember how enthusiastic I was about Mystery science theater 3000. Aforesaid readers will, then, not be surprised to…
CIPC #39: Alfred J. Kwak S1 E12, Alfred’s chess adventure
Alfred J. Kwak is an invention of multitalented Dutchman Herman van Veen.1 It is a show about an orphaned duck who was brought up by…
CIPC #34: The Simpsons S28 E14 The cad and the hat
Thirty-three episode long have I managed to avoid it, eight months have I put it off, but today I finally give in. Today I accept…
CIPC #32: Mystery science theater 3000 S5 E5 The magical voyage of Sinbad
Mystery science theater 30001 might just be my favourite television show ever. As far as I’m aware, it only ever aired in the United States,…
CIPC #30: Friends S6 E20 The one with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
Humour occurs when a surprise is recognised as harmless. This is why a predictable punchline kills a joke. This is why a joke you’ve heard…