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Belgian Chess History
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Van Herck, Marcel
Participant of
Breda vs. Antwerp junior match, Antwerp
Claridge tournament, Antwerp
Antwerp vs. Bern junior match, Antwerp
1st international junior tournament, Schilde
Ghent vs. Rotterdam, Mariakerke
19th student’s olimpiad, Graz
National interclub championship
Jean Jaurès vs. Eindhovense SV, Gent
Low countries cup, Ghent/Rotterdam
1ste EEC tournament, Ostend
Jean Jaurès vs. Watergraafsmeer, Ghent
SC Jean Jaurès international tournament, Ghent
2nd EEC tournament, Teesside
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
2nd Sotheby – Mak van Waay tournament, Antwerp
10 years Wit-Zwart jubilee tournament, Bornem
Panasonic tournament, Leopoldsburg
Belgian championship, Veurne
Antwerp league championship, Deurne
VSF cup
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
VSF juniors vs. KASK, Antwerp
Paroza matches, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Anderlecht
Skei grand prix, Gausdal
Peer Gynt international open, Gausdal
Antwerp league championship, Deurne
Grand Prix de la Librairie Marchand, Anderlecht
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Germany vs. Belgium, Eupen
VSF interleague tournament, Antwerp/Oostmalle/Mortsel
5th international open tournament, Leuven
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Flemish championship, Oostmalle
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Brasschaat
VSF Interleague, Ghent
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
ABB Flemish championship, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
9th European club cup, qualifying group 6, Clichy
Antwerp league championship, Mortsel/Antwerp/Brasschaat
Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
10th European club championship, preliminary group 1, Eupen 1994
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Westerlo/Mol/Geel
11th international open tournament, Geraardsbergen
Zilveren Toren cup
Belgian championship, Geel
20th international open tournament, Ghent
Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Flemish championship, Mechelen
6th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Flemish championship, Mechelen
7th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Zilveren toren cup
Flemish championship, Ghent
Guernsey open, Guernsey