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Belgian Chess History
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Thibaut, Georges Pierre
Participant of
Cercle Colle quadrangular, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ostend
Brussels championship, Ukkel/Vorst
CÉ Colle championship, Brussels
Match France vs. Belgium, Paris
CÉ Schaarbeek championship, Schaarbeek
Belgian championship, Bruges
Belgian cup
Brabant interclub championship
Brussels rapid championship, Sint-Joost-ten-Node
Cercle Colle championship, Brussels
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Antwerp
Switzerland vs. Belgium, Zürich
Belgium vs. Luxembourg, Luxembourg
9th olimpiad, Dubrovnik
Belgian championship, Ghent
Brabant championship, Sint-Joost-ten-Node
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Verviers
Eupen vs. Aachen, Eupen
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
VAS Amsterdam vs. Colle Brussels, Amsterdam
2nd international student tournament, Brussels
Four cities tournament
FBÉ/BSB championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Eupen
Belgian championship, Bruges
11th olimpiad, Amsterdam
CÉ Edgard Colle Easter tournament, Brussels
International tournament, Dortmund
Belgian championship, Merksem
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
12th olimpiad, Moscow
National interclub championship
12th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
Charles Bens cup, Brussels
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
14th olimpiad, Leipzig
FBÉ/BSB championship, Anderlecht
Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Belgian interclub championship
National interclub championship
Blanke Stede cup, Tienen
National interclubs
Tunisia tour, Brussels/Ghent
Eurocup, Ypres
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
National interclubs
National interclub championship
Brabant championship, Brussels