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Belgian Chess History
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Schumacher, Helmut
Participant of
4th Mechelse toren, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Verviers
Eupen vs. Aachen, Eupen
Interleague championship
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgium vs. Échec et Mat, Reims
1st Clare Benedict cup, Mont Pèlerin
SK Birseck vs. Belgium, Basel
Belgian championship, Eupen
Belgian championship, Bruges
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
FBÉ/BSB championship, Anderlecht
Birseck tournament, Arlesheim
Belgian championship, Heist
24th Hoogoven tournament, Beverwijk
Belgian championship, Brussels
Interleague championship
Belgian championship, Ghent
26th Hoogoven tournament, Beverwijk
Spring tournament, Arnhem
France vs. Belgium, Lille
Belgium vs. Luxembourg, Namur
Belgian championship, Mechelen
Interleague championship
National interclubs division 2 final, Leuven
Interleague championship
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgium vs. West Germany, Eupen
Interleague championship
Luxembourg vs. Belgium, Luxembourg
Belgian championship, Ostend
National interclubs
4th European team championship preliminary 1, Barcelona
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgian interclub championship
France vs. Belgium, Antwerp/Brussels
Four nations tournament, Troisvierges
Belgian championship, Spa
National interclubs
Zonal tournament zone 1, Praia da Rocha
19th olimpiad, Siegen
National interclubs
Belgian championship, Bredene
Luxemburg vs. Belgium, Kopstal
France vs. Belgium, Paris
Belgian championship, Hasselt
SK Eupen ’47 jubilee tournament, Eupen
National interclub championship
Belgian championship, Ostend
France vs. Belgium, Paris
Belgian championship, Hasselt
1st European club cup
1st European club cup
Belgium vs. France, Brussels
France vs. Belgium, Paris
Belgian championship, Ostend
22nd olimpiad, Haifa
Belgian championship, Ostend
23rd olimpiad, Buenos Aires
National interclub championship
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
24th olimpiad, La Valetta
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
4th Benedictine tournament, Manchester
Belgian championship, Zwijnaarde
25th olimpiad, Lucerne
Belgian championship, Veurne
Belgian championship, Huy
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Anderlecht
Belgian championship, Ostend
Germany vs. Belgium, Eupen
Belgian championship, Huy
National interclub championship
National interclub championship
20th international festival, Arco
National interclub championship