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Belgian Chess History
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Schuermans, Robert
Participant of
Belgian championship, Ghent
Van de Wouwer tournament, Antwerp
Interleague tournament, Hasselt
Belgian championship, Hasselt
Belgian championship, Ostend
Belgian championship, Hasselt
International open tournament, Pétange
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Ostend
9th correspondence olimpiad, Section 1
Belgian championship, Ostend
Belgian championship, Ghent
National interclub championship
Paroza match, Antwerp
Paroza match Schuermans vs. Meulders, Antwerp
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
3rd Mat weekend tournament, Brussels
2nd Mat international open tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Zwijnaarde
2nd Sotheby – Mak van Waay tournament, Antwerp
10 years Wit-Zwart jubilee tournament, Bornem
Belgian championship, Veurne
Antwerp league championship, Deurne
Belgian championship, Huy
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
Zilveren toren
Belgian championship, Anderlecht
Antwerp league championship, Deurne
Belgian championship, Ostend
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Belgian championship, Huy
28th olimpiad, Thessaloniki
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Belgian championship, Ghent
VSF Interleague, Ghent
Belgian championship, Geraardsbergen
ABB Flemish championship, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Morlanwelz
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Visé
ABB closed Flemish championship, Beringen
Belgian championship, Charleroi
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Westerlo/Mol/Geel
Belgian championship, Geel
Zilveren Toren cup
Flemish championship, Antwerp
Flemish championship, Geel
Flemish championship, Mechelen
6th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Flemish championship, Mechelen
National interclub championship
Zilveren toren cup
Antwerp league blitz championship, Antwerp