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Belgian Chess History
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Goormachtigh, Johan
Participant of
Belgian junior championship, Nassogne
21st Glorney cup, Plymouth
Rotterdam vs. Ghent, Rotterdam
Belgian championship, Ghent
Flanders vs. North of France, Ghent
7th international junior tournament, Schilde
Belgian championship, Bredene
Belgian junior championship, Menen
Ghent vs. Rotterdam, Mariakerke
8th international junior tournament, Schilde
Belgian junior championship, Bruges
Belgian championship, Ostend
12th Niemeyer tournament for the European junior championship, Groningen
Belgian championship, Hasselt
20th student olimpiad, Teesside
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship play-off, Anderlecht/Brussels/Ghent
1ste EEC tournament, Ostend
Belgian championship, Ostend
Agnes Litzenberger junior tournament, Winterthur
Jean Jaurès vs. Watergraafsmeer, Ghent
2nd EEC tournament, Teesside
Belgian championship, Ghent
National interclub championship
KNSB cup
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
Qualification matches for the olimpiad
3rd European club cup round 1, Ghent
24th olimpiad, La Valetta
3rd European club cup, round 2, Lisbon
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
Belgian championship, Zwijnaarde
25th olimpiad, Lucerne
10 years Wit-Zwart jubilee tournament, Bornem
Belgian championship, Veurne
26th olimpiad, Thessaloniki
VSF cup
Interleague championship, Deurne/Menen
OHRA tournament, Brussels
Qualification match for the European club cup, Antwerp
6th European club cup, round 1, Budapest
Belgian championship, Ostend
Germany vs. Belgium, Eupen
Belgian championship, Huy
15th ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
5th international open tournament, Leuven
Belgian championship, Ghent
9th European team championship, Haifa
Belgian championship, Brasschaat
17th ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
5th Steinweg tournament, Antwerp
ABB Flemish championship, Mechelen
19th ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
21st ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
31st olimpiad, Moscow
Flemish championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Geel
23th ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
Belgian championship, Ghent
20th international open tournament, Ghent
National interclub championship
24th ECI tournament, Bruges
6th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
25th ECI tournament, Sas van Gent
National interclub championship
22nd international open tournament, Ghent
2nd KGSRL norm tournament, Ghent
National interclub championship
Flemish championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Ghent
23rd international open tournament, Ghent