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Belgian Chess History
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Barzin, Marcel
Participant of
Brussels vs. Antwerp, Antwerp/Brussels
Les Augustins championship, Brussels
Le Cygne championship, Brussels
Hastings & St. Leonard’s CC tour, Brussels/Antwerp
1st La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
CE Brussels vs. Antwerp SK, Brussels/Antwerp
2nd La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Antwerp/Brussels
National interclubs
1st class tournament, Brussels
Antwerp SK vs. Philidor, Brussels
2nd match The Netherlands vs. Belgium, The Hague
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Antwerp/Brussels
Ghent SK vs. Philidor, Ghent
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Brussels/Antwerp
CC Hampstead tour, Antwerp/Brussels
Brussels championship, Brussels
International tournament of the FBÉ, Spa
3rd match Belgium vs. The Netherlands, Brussels
CÉ Brussels championship, Brussels
National interclubs
Match CE Brussels vs. CE Antwerp, Brussels/Antwerp
Brussels championship, Brussels
4th match The Netherlands vs. Belgium, The Hague
CÉ Brussels easter tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Antwerp
FBÉ olimpiad qualification tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Verviers
11th Christmas Congress, Hastings
Major international, Liège
Belgian championship, Brussels
Brussels championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
45th US open, Boston
Belgian championship, Ghent
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Brussels vs. Brabant, Brussels
CÉ Brussels jubilee festival, Brussels
Netherlands vs. Belgium, Breda
19th Christmas congress, Hastings
Easter tournament, Brussels
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Antwerp
Match Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Brussels championship, Ukkel/Vorst
23rd Christmas congress, Hastings
Match France vs. Belgium, Paris
Belgian championship, Bruges
24th Christmas congress, Hastings
Big Cities tournament
Easter tournament, Brussels
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Antwerp
National interclub championship
National interclub championship
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
36th Christmas congress, Hastings
37th Christmas congress, Hastings
Belgian interclub championship
Match France vs. Belgium, Laon
National interclub championship
National interclubs
Tunisia tour, Brussels/Ghent
Belgian interclub championship
National interclubs