In der Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister. In our days of niche studies and absurdly specific website, Goethe’s quote is more poignant than ever. Still,…
CIPC #35: Age of Empires II
Age of Empires II was in its heydays the most popular real-time strategy game in the world and this popularity has lasted. The original game…
CIPC #34: The Simpsons S28 E14 The cad and the hat
Thirty-three episode long have I managed to avoid it, eight months have I put it off, but today I finally give in. Today I accept…
CIPC #33: Suske en Wiske Vol.245 De 7 schaken
Imagine, if you will, that you are a chess-obsessed kid in Flanders. A bleak prospect, perhaps, but try to entertain it for a little while…
CIPC #32: Mystery science theater 3000 S5 E5 The magical voyage of Sinbad
Mystery science theater 30001 might just be my favourite television show ever. As far as I’m aware, it only ever aired in the United States,…
CIPC #31: The unbearable lightness of being
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that every single book with good reviews, must be in want of a movie version. Hence, with the inevitability…
CIPC #30: Friends S6 E20 The one with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
Humour occurs when a surprise is recognised as harmless. This is why a predictable punchline kills a joke. This is why a joke you’ve heard…
CIPC #29: Vladimir Aniskin’s Chessmen
Halt! Stop the presses! I have found what could be the most awesome thing ever! So there’s this Russian guy, you see, and he makes…
BOBCH #3: Colle vs. Röthemeyer (1922)
By now, there are several thousands of games on this site. How is one supposed to find games that are interesting? The answer is that…
CIPC #28: Friends S7 E20 The one with Rachel’s big kiss
I am not very knowledgeable about Friends.1 It’s a hugely popular television show which ran for approximately fifty bazillion seasons, that much I know, and…