From the title The invisible boy, you might guess that this is some fifties b-movie, perhaps like The day the Earth stood still or The…
CIPC #267: Mr. Bean E13, Goodnight Mr. Bean
While Rowan Atkinson is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest British comedians in history, I only really knew him from Blackadder. I had…
CIPC #266: Agent Provocateur ad
Intuitively, one would perhaps expect chess themes to mainly occur in advertisement for brainy things, like insurance, or computers, or stocks or something. But it…
CIPC #265: Family ties S1 E17, French lessons
When we talk about TV series on this blog, someone has usually been murdered. There is probably a cop in a foul mood around, accompanied…
CIPC #264: Album covers
A long time ago, I wrote a blog post about chess themed book covers, which greatly endangered my faith in humanity. A later post about…
CIPC #263: KikoRiki S2 E99, Chess
It is a truth universally acknowledged that children are getting worse and worse at pretty much every subject in school. Almost every vaguely modern phenomenon…
CIPC #262: Little nightmares 2
Time to talk about a video game once more! Little nightmares 2 is a puzzle-platformer from five years ago. In it, the player takes control…
CIPC #261: It! The terror from beyond space
Sometimes a title tells you everything you need to know. If your movie is called It! The terror from beyond space, it is bound to…
CIPC #260: Stouffer’s ad
I don’t know where this ad comes from, neither in space nor in time. The text and the company strongly suggest it must originate from…
CIPC #259: Alfred Hitchcock presents S2 E33, A man greatly beloved
What happens if you cross Winnie the Pooh with Psycho? This burning question that was on no one’s lips is answered in today’s subject. As…