CIPC #381: An American werewolf in London

Wikipedia calls this a horror comedy, and that is quite a reasonable description: it consists of some ninety minutes of pretty standard horror movie followed by a single extremely hilarious cut to the credits. The plot concerns two American youngsters who are backpacking through the North English backwoods. They stumble upon an inn full of rather hostile locals. Some of the locals are playing a nice game of chess.

The director was mainly trying to suggest the atmosphere of a local pub with local people and local customs and he was less focused on the chess aspect. That was a wise decision, because the real horrors are not the evil beasts maiming and murdering innocent Londoners,1 but rather the spectacle on the board.

I am not perfectly sure about my reconstruction, but I’m confident enough to establish a few problems.2

Yes, I’m pretty sure there’s no black king on the board. There may be some more black pieces on his queen’s side, but none that are tall enough to be a king. White pushes his b-pawn, to which black immediately responds by taking a pawn with his queen and declaring checkmate. I have no idea what pawn he could possibly be taking or how on Earth it would be a checkmate.

Then, some people get eaten. A doctor involved gets suspicious and, after a good half hour of the movie, decides to visit the selfsame pub. Again, some of the locals are playing chess.

I’m not completely sure about the positions on black’s king’s side, but all white’s pieces are definitely there and black’s c-pawn is definitely doubled.

And this is how the evil conquers the world: not by the werewolves, but by the locals in the pub.

Realism: 0/5 The first one is illegal because of the missing king, the second one because of the doubled pawns.

Probable winner: Probably Black in the first one. He’s definitely not going to get mated. In the second one it’s too early to tell, in particular because, judging from the position, both players are bad enough to mess up a good position.

1. [Assuming these legendary creatures actually exist.]
2. [This is how I establish problems.]