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Belgian Chess History
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Tournaments in Belgium
Brabant championship, Brussels
National interclub championship
Brabant junior championship, Anderlecht
Brabant championship, Anderlecht
9th chess festival, Gentbrugge
L’Échiquier championship, Brussels
Interclub championship
Ghent interclub championship
SK Eupen ’47 jubilee tournament, Eupen
Zilveren Toren cup
Interleague tournament, Hasselt
Zilveren Toren
National interclubs
Liège vs. Dutch Limburg, Visé
National interclubs
Interleague championship
National interclubs
National interclubs
Interleague championship
National interclubs division 2 final, Leuven
Jean Jaurès vs. Rest of Ghent, Ghent
Interleague championship
Blanke Stede cup, Tienen
National interclubs
Holiday tournament, Ghent
FÉFB championship, Ans
FÉFB championship, Visé
FÉFB championship, Anderlecht
FÉFB championship, Brussels
FÉFB championship, Engis
Eckbauer Berlin tour
Belgian championship, Brussels
Flanders vs. North of France, Aalst
Pentecost tournament, Brussels
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
CÉ Anderlecht masters tournament, Brussels
CÉ Liège summer tournament, Liège
Championship of the Flanders, Kortrijk
Flemish championship, Antwerp
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
Belgium vs. North Brabant junior match, Antwerp
Jean Jaurès vs. Eindhovense SV, Gent
Belgian junior championship, Mol
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Ghent vs. Leuven student match, Ghent/Leuven
Belgian Limburg vs. Dutch Limburg, Maaseik
Belgian Limburg vs. Dutch Limburg, Maaseik
Luxembourg vs. Wallonia, Aubange
Jean Jaurès vs. Watergraafsmeer, Ghent
Paroza matches, Antwerp
Armand Luyten memorial, Anderlecht
Living chess exhibition match, Eupen
Claridge tournament, Antwerp
Interleague tournament
Belgium vs. The Netherlands ministries of finances, Kapellen
Nieuwe Toren jubilee tournament, Eisden
K Antwerp SK vs. Haagse SB, Antwerp
Zilveren toren
Velberter Sg. 1923 vs. K Antwerpse SK, Antwerp
10th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
West Flanders vs. Antwerp, Bredene
Zilveren Toren
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Belgian women’s championship, Elsene
L’Échiquier winter tournament, Brussels
Walloon championship, Liège/Verviers
VSB interclubs
Antwerp/Limburg vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
Four cities tournament
Antwerp junior championship, Antwerp
Ghent SK championship, Ghent
VSB championship, Antwerp
U.M.B. SC theme tournament, Merksem
South Brabant vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
13th international open tournament, Geraardsbergen
Zilveren toren
11th international open tournament, Geraardsbergen
North Brabant vs. South Brabant, Antwerp
5th international open tournament, Leuven
10th international open tournament, Geraardsbergen
Zilveren Toren cup
Zilveren toren cup
Antwerp league blitz championship, Antwerp
Raymond Soly tournament, Antwerp/Brussels
16th Geraardsbergen open, Geraardsbergen
Flemish youth championship, Mechelen
BSB/FBÉ championship play-off, Brussels
Brabant championship, Sint-Joost-ten-Node
All Saints’ Day tournament, Ghent
Ghent championship, Ghent
East-Flemish championship, Ghent/Dendermonde
Easter tournament, Brussels
Big Cities tournament
Gouden Koning cup, Ghent
Cercle Colle championship, Brussels
Brussels championship, Brussels
Échiquier Liègeois master tournament, Liège
Belgian championship 2nd class, Verviers
Belgian championship, Bruges
Brussels rapid championship, Sint-Joost-ten-Node
Brabant interclub championship
BSB/FBÉ championship, Antwerp
CÉ Schaarbeek championship, Schaarbeek
All Saints’ Day tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship 2nd class, Kortrijk
Brabant championship, Schaarbeek
Nebel cup, Brussels
Ghent championship, Ghent
Zilveren Toren cup
CÉ Colle championship, Brussels
Brussels championship, Ukkel/Vorst
Pentecost tournament, Ghent
Liège vs. Dutch Limburg, Visé
East Flanders vs. Antwerp, Ledeberg
Devos vs. Soultanbeieff, Brussels
Brussels vs. Brabant, Brussels
Cercle Colle quadrangular, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
Pentecost tournament, Ghent
CÉ Liège master tournament, Liège
Handicap match, Bruges
CÉ Brussels championship, Brussels
Quadrangular tournament, Antwerp
CÉ Brussels championship play-off match, Brussels
CÉ Brussels semester tournament, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Antwerp/Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
Boruchowitz vs. Colle, Antwerp
CÉ Brussels championship, Brussels
Brussels vs. Antwerp, Antwerp/Brussels
Belgian championship, Antwerp
Le Cygne blitz tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
Colle vs. Znosko-Borovsky, Brussels/Ghent
Les Augustins championship, Brussels
Le Cygne championship, Brussels
Friendly match Lancel vs. Réti, Brussels
National interclubs
Belgium vs. The Netherlands, Brussels
2nd La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
CÉ Philidor vs. Ghent SK, Brussels
Ghent vs. Bruges, Ghent/Bruges
Antwerp SK vs. Philidor, Brussels
FBÉ congress, Brussels
Match for the Belgian championship, Ghent
Ghent SK vs. Philidor, Ghent
Brussels championship, Brussels
National interclubs
Match for the Belgian championship, Ghent/Brussels
VSC Easter tournament, Antwerp
FBÉ congress, Ghent
Brussels championship, Brussels
CÉ Brussels championship, Brussels
North of France vs. Flanders, Lille
National interclubs
Flemish championship, Kortrijk
Walloon championship
Belgian championship, Ghent
National interclubs
Walloon championship, Liège/Verviers/Huy
Preliminary to the Belgian 2nd category championship
Belgian championship, Antwerp
National interclubs
FBÉ olimpiad qualification tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Verviers
Centennial tournament, Ghent
National interclubs
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
Major international, Liège
International triangular tournament
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgian championship 2nd category, Ghent
National interclubs
International three cities tournament
Silberschatz vs. Jerochov, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
Championship of greater Antwerp, Antwerp
Walloon championship
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Dunkelblum, Antwerp
L’Échiquier tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Brussels
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
Match Dunkelbum vs. Dyner, Brussels/Antwerp
Championship of greater Antwerp, Antwerp
L’Échiquier championship, Brussels
CÉ Philidor championship, Brussels
Antwerp SK championship, Antwerp
Classification match Engelmann vs. Liubarski, Liège
National interclubs
Belgian championship, Brussels
Match Dyner vs. Gromer, Brussels
Match Gromer vs. Van Seters, Brussels
Match O’Kelly de Galway vs. Gromer, Brussels
CÉ L’Échiquier spring tournament, Brussels
CÉ L’Échiquier summer tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Liège
Flemish championship, Antwerp
Quadrangular tournament, Brussels
Match Brussels vs. Antwerp, Brussels/Antwerp
CÉ L’Échiquier vs. CÉ Philidor, Brussels
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
CÉ Philidor/CÉ Brussels championship, Brussels
National interclubs
L’Échiquier championship, Brussels
Nebel cup, Brussels
Jerochov vs. Muffang, Brussels
CÉ L’Échiquier tournament, Brussels
Dunkelblum vs. Jerochov, Brussels/Antwerp
L’Échiquier Brussels vs. Antwerp SK, Brussels
Triangular tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Antwerp
Roode Schaakbord tournament, Ghent
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
INR match, Brussels
INR tournament, Brussels
10 year VSC jubilee tournament, Antwerp
National interclubs
Nebel cup, Brussels
Leuven SK vs. L’Échiquier Brussels, Brussels/Leuven
Easter tournament, Antwerp
Ascension Day tournament, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Riga, Antwerp
Ostend SK vs. North of France, Ostend
GJÉB national championship, Brussels
GJÉB international championship, Brussels
Match Dunkelblum vs. Koblencs, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
L’Échiquier International tournament, Brussels
South Brabant vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
National interclubs
3rd workers’ Olympics, Antwerp
Match Brussels vs. Ghent, Brussels/Ghent
Belgian championship, Brussels
All Saints’ Day tournament, Ghent
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
Telephone match CÉ Brussels vs. Antwerp SK
Easter tournament, Antwerp
Qualification tournament for the Belgian championship
Belgian championship, Namur
2nd All Saints’ day tournament, Ghent
CÉ Colle vs. Antwerp SK, Brussels/Antwerp
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
Nebel cup, Brussels
Ghent championship, Ghent
Antwerp SK vs. Latvia, Antwerp
6th ECI tournament, Eeklo
Amsterdam vs. Brussels, Brussels
Qualification match for the European club cup, Antwerp
Junior match Belgium vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Belgian championship, Ghent
National interclub championship
1st championship of Antwerp, Antwerp
Match Terneuzen vs. Ghent, Ghent
3rd La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
Match Antwerp SK vs. CÉ Ghent, Antwerp/Ghent
Match Perquin vs. Peeters, Antwerp/Leuven/Brussels
VSF Interleague, Ghent
ABB Flemish championship, Mechelen
Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
Brabant championship, Brussels
Limburg blitz championship, Hasselt
Belgian blitz championship, Mechelen
Brabant junior championship, Brussels
35 years General Motors chess club, Merksem
13th European club championship, preliminary 2, Eupen
15th European club championship, preliminary 4, Eupen
Belgian interclub championship
National interclub championship
3rd match Belgium vs. The Netherlands, Brussels
Founding cities cup, Antwerp/Brussels/Ghent/Liège
National interclub championship
4th Mechelse toren, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Bruges
SK Merksem jubilee tournament, Merksem
Antwerp junior championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ostend
3rd Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
11th international junior tournament, Schilde
National interclub championship
International team tournament, Charleroi
FÉFB championship, Charleroi
National interclub championship
Brabant championship, Brussels
SSK Lasker Utrecht tour
Interleague championship
University match Ghent vs. Leuven, Ghent
Mat of Pat interclub tournament, Antwerp
Antwerp vs. Bern junior match, Antwerp
9th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
7th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
12th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Heist
CÉ Brussels jubilee festival, Brussels
Charles Bens cup, Brussels
13th Mechelse Toren, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Charles Bens cup, Brussels
6th West Flanders vs. SFAH match, Bredene
National interclub championship
Breda vs. Antwerp junior match, Antwerp
Antwerp vs. Rotterdam junior match, Antwerp
Belgian junior championship, Antwerp
Belgian women’s championship play-off, Mechelen
23rd international open tournament, Ghent
22nd international open tournament, Ghent
Quadrangular tournament, Ostend
Founding cities tournament
Brabant vs. Cologne, Elsene
Gelsenkirchen junior tour, Ghent/Antwerp
16th ECI tournament, Bruges
4th ECI tournament, Eeklo
11th NATO championship, Leopoldsburg
Flemish championship, Ghent
7th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
Antwerp vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
Limburg vs. Antwerp, Hasselt
Match Boey vs. Coosemans for the Antwerp junior championship, Antwerp
Antwerp vs. Ghent junior match, Antwerp
6th Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
Belgian junior championship, Geraardsbergen
Belgian junior championship, Antwerp
Interleague championship
Brabant championship, Anderlecht
SC Jean Jaurès international tournament, Ghent
Training match, Antwerp
Tournoi de la Vièrge, Liège
Camping cup, Arlon
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
National interclub championship
10th ECI tournament, Eeklo
Belgian championship, Ghent
Rooze vs. De Bruycker friendly match, Antwerp/Ghent
Coosemans vs. Moeyersons friendly match, Antwerp
FÉFB championship, Charleroi
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
Limbourg vs. Boey junior match, Antwerp
Belgian women’s championship, Brussels
Liège/Luxembourg league championship
Junior match Boey vs. Versfeld, Antwerp
Limburg league championship
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
World junior championship qualification tournament, play-off, Ghent/Antwerp
World junior championship qualification tournament, Ghent/Brussels/Antwerp
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
Interleague championship
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Colle memorial, Ghent
Interleague championship
National interclub championship
Limburg league championship
VSF juniors vs. KASK, Antwerp
VSF cup
Interleague championship, Deurne/Menen
Panasonic tournament, Leopoldsburg
VSF interleague championship, Ghent
VSF interleague championship, Deurne
VSF interleague championship, Kortrijk
Glorney & Faber cups, Bruges
Belgian championship, Geel
2nd KGSRL norm tournament, Ghent
Belgian junior championship, Vielsalm
Flemish championship, Mechelen
Belgian elite junior championship, Mechelen
VSF interleague tournament, Antwerp/Oostmalle/Mortsel
Lost Boys tournament, Antwerp
Antwerp league championship, Mortsel/Antwerp/Brasschaat
Antwerp league championship, Westerlo/Mol/Geel
Belgian championship play-off match, Anderlecht/Charleroi
Antwerp league championship, Mechelen
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Belgian junior championship, Virton
Flemish championship, Oostmalle
1st Diamond blitz tournament, Antwerp
Paroza matches, Antwerp
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
10 years Wit-Zwart jubilee tournament, Bornem
2nd Sotheby – Mak van Waay tournament, Antwerp
4th Interpolis interland, Mortsel
Paroza matches, Antwerp
Belgian championship play-off, Anderlecht/Brussels/Ghent
Antwerp championship, Antwerp
National interclub championship
Belgian rapid championship, Tienen
National interclub championship
Assumption of Mary training tournament, Ostend
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp/Merksem
CÉ Colle vs. Željezničar Sarajevo, Brussels
National interclub championship
Golden King tournament, Ghent
Belgian rapid championship, Merksem
Wuppertal youth tour
FBÉ/BSB championship, Antwerp
Antwerp championship, Antwerp
10th international junior tournament, Schilde
Interleague tournament, Charleroi
Triangular tournament, Ghent
Ghent vs. Rotterdam, Mariakerke
Flemish championship, Mechelen
Low countries cup, Ghent/Rotterdam
Belgium vs. France, Brussels
National interclub championship
Ghent vs. Rotterdam, Mariakerke
Belgium vs. West Germany, Ghent
Belgium vs. Czechoslovakia, Ostend
Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Four nations tournament, Mortsel
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
3rd international junior tournament, Schilde
Belgian championship, Liège
FÉFB championship, Tihange
ASLK master tournament, Leuven
24th ECI tournament, Bruges
20th international open tournament, Ghent
Belgian championship, Geel
Belgian championship, Geel
Belgian championship, Charleroi
Belgacom international championship, Watermaal-Bosvoorde
ABB closed Flemish championship, Beringen
10th European club championship, preliminary group 1, Eupen 1994
14th international junior tournament, Schilde
4th IBCA world championship, Bruges
Volmac tournament, Antwerp
Belgian championship play-off
Belgian championship, Visé
6th Steinweg tournament, Antwerp
2nd world university championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Morlanwelz
S.W.I.F.T. rapid tournament, Brussels
18th ECI tournament, Eeklo
5th Steinweg tournament, Antwerp
15th candidates’ tournament, quarter final, Brussels
Belgian championship, Geraardsbergen
Antwerp vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
4th Steinweg tournament, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Brasschaat
Iclicki masters tournament, Brussels
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Belgian championship, Ghent
7th European club championship, round 1, Brussels
14th candidates’ tournament, quarter final, Antwerp
Antwerp league championship, Brasschaat
Belgian championship, play-off
S.W.I.F.T. world cup tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Huy
OHRA tournament, Brussels
Vivy master tournament, Vivy
Grand Prix de la Librairie Marchand, Anderlecht
Germany vs. Belgium, Eupen
13th ECI tournament, Eeklo
Belgian championship, Ostend
S.W.I.F.T. world blitz championship, Brussels
2nd S.W.I.F.T. tournament, Brussels
OHRA tournament, Brussels
5th European club championship, semifinal, Brussels
5th European club championship, quarterfinal, Belgrade
5th European club championship, round 1, Brussels
S.W.I.F.T. tournament, Brussels
Belgian championship, Anderlecht
OHRA tournament, Brussels
12th ECI tournament, Eeklo
Belgian championship, Ghent
International tournament, Brussels
Antwerp league championship, Deurne
Belgian championship, Huy
Match Brussels vs. Algiers, Brussels
Belgian championship, Veurne
Belgian championship, Zwijnaarde
2nd Mat international open tournament, Brussels
8th ECI tournament, Eeklo
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
3rd Mat weekend tournament, Brussels
Mat open tournament, Brussels
O’Kelly memorial, Brussels
National interclub championship
13th international junior tournament, Schilde
3rd European club cup round 1, Ghent
Qualification matches for the olimpiad
Belgian championship, Sint-Niklaas
Paroza match, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian junior championship, Sint-Niklaas
12th international junior tournament, Schilde
Pre-zonal triangular tournament, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ostend
Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ostend
1ste EEC tournament, Ostend
Junior team matches, Mariakerke
Belgian championship, Ghent
2nd ECI tournament, Eeklo
Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Belgian junior championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Hasselt
Belgian championship, Ostend
9th international junior tournament, Schilde
Antwerp league championship, Antwerp
Belgian junior championship, Bruges
Belgian championship, Hasselt
8th international junior tournament, Schilde
7th international junior tournament, Schilde
Match Boey vs. Franck, Antwerp
Belgian junior championship, Menen
Play-off match for the Belgian championship, Antwerp/Ghent
Belgian championship, Bredene
3rd world junior championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
6th international junior tournament, Schilde
Interleague tournament, Ghent
France vs. Belgium, Antwerp/Brussels
Match Antwerp vs. Rotterdam, Antwerp
5th international junior tournament, Schilde
Belgian championship, Spa
Interleague championship
Belgian championship, Brussels
Match Berlin vs. Brussels, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Ljubljana, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ostend
Belgium vs. West Germany, Eupen
Belgian junior championship play-off, Antwerp/Brussels
Belgian junior championship, Nassogne
Antwerp vs. Rotterdam, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgium vs. Luxembourg, Liège
2nd international junior tournament, Schilde
International tournament of the Ministry of Finances, Strombeek-Bever
Pentecost tournament, Antwerp
Antwerp league championship
Eurocup, Ypres
Belgian championship, Antwerp
Tunisia tour, Brussels/Ghent
Styria Graz tour, Ghent/Antwerp
Belgium vs. France, Kortrijk
Belgian universitary championship, Brussels
1st international junior tournament, Schilde
Team tournament, Mariakerke
Belgian championship, Mechelen
Belgium vs. Luxembourg, Namur
National interclub championship
Belgian championship, Ghent
Interleague championship
Belgian interclub championship
Belgian women’s championship, Moerbeke
Belgian championship, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Rotterdam, Antwerp
Belgian junior championship, Antwerp
Antwerp championship, Antwerp
Belgium vs. France, Bruges
FBÉ/BSB championship, Anderlecht
Belgian championship, Ghent
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship play-off match, Bruges/Brussels/Antwerp
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
FBÉ/BSB championship, Mechelen
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
6th international tournament, Ostend
All Saints’ tournament, Ghent
Belgian women’s championship, Ghent
Belgian junior championship, Ghent
Belgian championship, Blankenberge
CÉ Edgard Colle Easter tournament, Brussels
Belgian women’s championship
Belgian championship play-off
Belgian championship, Merksem
Belgian junior championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Bruges
Belgium vs. Czechoslovakia, Ghent
Belgian championship, Eupen
2nd international student tournament, Brussels
FBÉ/BSB championship, Antwerp
Belgian championship, Ghent
Qualification match for the Belgian championship, Ghent/Kortrijk
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Verviers
Belgium vs. Yugoslavia, Brussels
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Antwerp
Match Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Antwerp
Easter tournament, Brussels
Match Belgium vs. France, Brussels
Belgian championship play-off, Ghent
Match O’Kelly de Galway vs. Rose, Brussels
Belgian championship, Antwerp
Brussels championship, Brussels
Cercle National championship, Brussels
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Dunkelblum, Antwerp/Liège
Maccabi quadrangular, Antwerp
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Belgian championship, Ghent
Belgian women’s championship, Antwerp
CÉ Brussels easter tournament, Brussels
International three cities tournament
Liege championship, Liege
CE Brussels vs. Antwerp SK, Brussels/Antwerp
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Antwerp/Brussels
National interclubs
Championship of the Flanders, Ghent
1st class tournament, Brussels
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Antwerp/Brussels
Liege championship, Liege
CÉ Philidor championship, Brussels
Brussels vs. Antwerp, Antwerp
Match Soultanbeieff vs. O’Kelly de Galway, Brussels?
International mass tournament, Ostend
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Brussels
2nd international tournament, Ostend
Flanders vs. Zealand, Antwerp
International tournament, Ostend
Match Flanders vs. Zealand, Antwerp
Match Dunkelblum vs. Koblencs, Antwerp
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Koltanowski, Brussels
International Easter tournament, Brussels
6th Zilveren Toren cup, Antwerp
Het Schaakleven tournament, Antwerp
INR match Soultanbeieff vs. Dyner, Brussels
Zealand vs Flanders, Middelburg
VSB interclub championship
5th Zilveren Toren cup, Antwerp
North Brabant vs. South Brabant, Antwerp
Schaakstudiekring tournament, Antwerp
Championship of Greater Antwerp, Antwerp
VSB championship, Antwerp/Roeselare
Zealand vs. Antwerp, Antwerp
De Schelde tournament, Antwerp
Schaakstudiekring tournament, Antwerp
Zealand vs. Flanders, Terneuzen
Match South Brabant vs. North Brabant, Antwerp
Liège Quadrangular, Liège
Tournament of the International Exhibition, Liège
2nd Zilveren Toren cup
Antwerp vs. Zealand, Antwerp
Match Antwerp SK vs. N Rotterdam SV, Antwerp
International tournament, Antwerp
1st Zilveren Toren cup
Match North Brabant vs. South Brabant, Antwerp
Match CE Liège vs. Limburgse SB, Liège
VSB championship, Berchem
VSB championship qualification tournament, Antwerp
Match Laigle vs. Michaëls, Brussels
Antwerp SK championship, Antwerp
CE Antwerp vs. Hampstead CC, Antwerp
Match CE Brussels vs. CE Antwerp, Brussels/Antwerp
International tournament of the FBÉ, Spa
CE Antwerp summer tournament, Antwerp
Ghent SK jubilee tournament, Ghent
CC Hampstead tour, Antwerp/Brussels
Antwerp vs. Brussels, Brussels/Antwerp
Match Rotterdam vs. Antwerp, Antwerp
National interclubs
International amateur tournament, Westende
1st La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
Match Lazard vs. Koltanowski, Antwerp
Hastings & St. Leonard’s CC tour, Brussels/Antwerp
Match Staunton vs. von Heydebrand und der Lasa, Brussels
National tournament, Brussels