Interclub championship

22-10-1950 > 10-12-1950

Honours 1 2 3 4 5 6 MP BP
1 Antwerp SK 1½° 5 8 18
2 Bruges SK 3½° 4 1 3 7 16
3 K Ghent SK 4 5 6 17½
4 Jean Jaurès 1 2 2 5 3 3 13
5 Ruy Lopez [Ghent] 5 1 1 * 2    9½
6 Ostend SK 3 3 * 2    9

*: This match was cancelled by a decision of the Central committee of the Belgian Chess Federation.
°: It seems like one game was adjourned. Quite possibly it was never finished or adjudicated, as its result was irrelevant to the final standings.

Promotion 1 2 3 4 5 6 MP BP
1 SK Merksem 3 5 5 9 20
2 Ruy Lopez [Vorst] 3 3 6 6 8 22½
3 SK Groeninge 6 6 19
4 SC Colle 3 5 17
5 CÉ Charleroi 1 0    ½ 2
6 Capablanca Halle 1 0 0 0 5

For the first time, the interclub championship was held in the formula which essentially persists to this day, with the possibility of promotion and relegation, as opposed to the previous formula with preliminaries and a national final. SK Merksem was the first team to promote, Ostend was delegated. Some of the strongest teams, which were based in Brussels, did not participate.

Most of the individual results were given in [2] and [3]; they can be found here. I have only two games from the Promotion division, which were given in [4]. It seems the board order was not completely fixed. I have not included forfeited games. As I’m missing some detailed results, the overview below is not complete. Also, the detailed results of the match between Ruy Lopez and Jean Jaurès does not fit with the end results.

NM Dunkelblum, Arthur BEL 4
Franck, Alfons BEL 3
Lafontaine BEL 0 1
Borodin, Vladimir RUS 4
Van Schoor, Karel BEL 2 2
Vervaeck BEL 1 1
Mollekens, Jozef BEL 4
Coosemans, Billy BEL ½ 1
Bussers, Simonne BEL 1 2
Duskes BEL 0 1
1 Antwerp SK 16½ 23


Himpens, Jules BEL 1 4
Wostyn, Albert BEL 2 3
Labaere BEL 1 1
Cardinael BEL 2 4
Ryckborst BEL 4
Buysschaert, Roger BEL 2 4
Claeys, Josef BEL 2 3
Pieters BEL 0 1
2 Bruges SK 12½ 24


De Wolf, Guy BEL 4 5
Van Hoorde, Edouard BEL 2 5
De Vries, Paul BEL ½ 1
De Meester, André BEL ½ 3
Herrygers BEL 5
Mauquoy, Paul BEL 2 3
Verlinden, Richard BEL 4 5
Pertry BEL 2 2
Everaert BEL 0 1
3 Ghent SK 17½ 30


Martin, Vladimir BEL 2 5
Rodrigues, Marcel BEL 5
Van Quickelberghe, M. BEL 5
Paepens BEL 2 4
Quintyn, A. BEL 4
De Sutter BEL ½ 4
Quintyn, Prudent BEL 0 1
Peeters, F BEL 0 1
4 Jean Jaurès
11 29


Janssens, André BEL 4
Herregodts, Julien BEL 0 1
Van de Wynkele, Roger BEL 4
Janssens, Marcel BEL ½ 2
Van Damme BEL 4
Van Mol, René BEL 1 4
Van Maldeghem BEL 1 2
Van Vliet BEL 2
5 Ruy Lopez
10½ 23


De Wispelaere BEL 1 4
Teetaert, François BEL ½ 3
Calus, G BEL 4
Gesquière, Willy BEL 4
Rosseel, O BEL ½ 4
Vantuyne, Carlos BEL 2 4
6 Ostend SK 8 23


  • Some individual results, particularly those of the Promotion division.
  • Amost all the games.


  1. Caissa Vol.2 No.1
  2. La Nation Belge 22/10 – 17/12/1950
  3. Vooruit 17/12/1950
  4. De Volksgazet 16/01 & 07/12/1951
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