VAS Amsterdam vs. Colle Brussels, Amsterdam

25-10-1952 > 26-10-1952

1 GM Euwe, Machgielis ½-½ 1-0 IM O’Kelly de Galway, Albéric
2 IM Cortlever, Nicolaas 1-0 1-0 Lemaire, Robert
3 Bouwmeester, Hans 1-0 1-0 Van Seters, Frits
4 Wolthuis, Willem Jan 0-1 1-0 Thibaut, Georges Pierre
5 Orbaan, Constant ½-½ ½-½ Ambühl, Louis
6 Grappenhaus, Ben 0-1 1-0 Franck, Alfons
7 Withuis, Barry
8 Crabbendam, Henrico 1-0 0-1 Reuter
Tot VAS Amsterdam 5-3 6½-1½ CÉ Colle Brussels

[1] gives the complete results and one game, [2] gives one other, and the last one I have comes from [3] via Mr. Ron de Haas. This match was organised to celebrate 130 years VAS Amsterdam, but the VAS team was strengthened by some non-VAS players. Colle Brussels suffered a sound defeat, with O’Kelly losing to Euwe on board 1.


  • Most games.
  • First names for Heitner, Reuter and Veerkamp.


  1. De Waarheid 27-10-1952
  2. Československý šach 1953/2
  3. H. Bouwmeester, Leven met het Schaakspel, 2008
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